RISE Partnership Newsletter


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RISE Partnership May 2019 Newsletter
Welcome to the RISE Partnership Newsletter
Welcome to the RISE Partnership newsletter, a new iteration of the Program Evaluation Learning Collaborative (PELC) newsletter. As we continue our work in building evaluation capacity and a culture of evaluation in the Greater Philadelphia and Camden community, this newsletter will be shared with participating organizations, funders, and anyone interested in hearing about what we're up to.  We look forward to sharing program highlights, resources, organization spotlights, and upcoming events. We are excited to continue this journey with you and thank you for your support!

- The RISE Partnership Team
Ready, Set, RISE!

We kicked off the month of May with our inaugural Readiness and Implementation learning sessions.

This month our cohort of 20 Readiness organizations and our cohort of 15 Implementation organizations convened for the first ever RISE Partnership learning sessions.

Both cohorts focused on the fundamentals of evaluation, key concepts and developing logic models, including how they can be used to guide evaluations. Leadership staff from the Implementation cohort also focused on strengthening leadership for evaluation where they explored tools and concepts on building and sustaining an evaluation culture within their organizations.

We would like to thank our spring intern, Lauren O'Malley, for her dedication and support in making this work possible. We are also grateful to Campbell Soup Company for hosting our Implementation learning session. 

Finally, we would like to thank you! Our work is not possible without the commitment and engagement from the 2019 RISE Partnership Readiness cohort and the 2019-2021 RISE Partnership Implementation cohort. We look forward to reconvening in September 2019!

Some of the RISE Partnership team at the Implementation learning session. Left to Right: Samantha Matlin, Sarah Singer Quast, Ami Diallo, Lauren O'Malley, Nadia Ward, and Jack Tebes.
Organization Spotlight

Lessons from the field: Nationalities Service Center

A lot of exciting things are happening at Nationalities Service Center (NSC). After participating in the BECI Collaborative, we realized that we needed a centralized system to collect and analyze data. We had a huge variety of programs and services serving immigrant and refugees with LOTS of Excel worksheets.  We are incredibly grateful to several local foundations, which provided the start-up funding needed to launch a Client Relationship Management system, Apricot by Social Solutions. 

This system gives us access to real-time data in one clinic and also provides us a platform to better integrate our multifaceted services.  This process has led us to truly examine what success looks like in our work and to ensure the services and supports we are providing are in service of that goal.  The process has been long and tedious, but truly transformative.  Next we are looking forward to connecting with other immigrant service agencies in our region about sharing outcome measures.

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Thank you to our funders!
Virtual Consultation
Our team of consultants are dedicated to supporting you in your continued work to build internal evaluation capacity. Need a refresher on an evaluation topic? Looking for a second set of eyes on a new survey? Have questions about how to analyze or present data? Look no further.

To request a virtual consultation, connect with us below!
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