Part 2: Models to Address Youth Homelessness (copy 04)


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Part 2: Models to Address Youth Homelessness

The Exchange PHL Breakfast Series

In partnership with The Homeless Assistance Fund, Inc. (HAFI) and Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, the next Exchange PHL breakfast focuses on models to address youth homelessness. The second in a series, we will explore more deeply the needs of youth by hearing from a representative from the Young Adult Leadership Committee.  Elizabeth G. Hersh (Director, Office of Homeless Services) and Mary Beth Gonzales (Deputy, Policy, Planning and Performance Management – Office of Homeless Services) will provide context to our discussion sharing an overview of Roadmap to Homes, Philadelphia’s five-year strategic plan for the Homeless Assistance System. Jessica Sones (Youth System Coordinator, Office of Homeless Services) will review several investment opportunities for Funders to consider and align grantmaking with the strategic priorities of Roadmap to Homes.  As typical with Exchange PHL breakfast series, there will be time for networking and discussion.

April 2019


8:30am Networking & Coffee

9:00am Welcome provided by The Exchange PHL

9:05am Context of Roadmap to Homes by The Office of Homeless Services

9:15am Youth Needs presented by The Young Adult Leadership Committee

9:35am Investment Opportunities by The Office of Homeless Services

10:20am Questions & Answers

The Exchange PHL 
1501 Cherry Street ~ Philadelphia, PA 19102

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